Simply Postcode Open Reseller Account

Company Details:

Company who is going to use the service.

Please enter a Company Name.

You will use this to log into your account, it will not be passed on to any third party.

Your name to be used if we need to contact you.

On occasions we may need to contact you regarding your account. No Sales calls....


Password between 8-30 chars long. Must contain number, letters and a special character.


It is part of our Terms and Conditions that the address is completed correctly.

Evaluation Area:

We give you a 30 day evaluation of all address within the above postcode.
If you are going to purchase credits, after opening an account, select any value here.

Commission Type:

We pay commission monthly when over £100.

Send me a Web Promotion Pack:

I have a Web site, or Newsletter, on which I would like to promote your software
To earn commission from customers who take up your service through the use of a "Promotion code" please tick to get promotion code and web pack.

Applications you sell:

Please give any details of applications you sell.